Laudetur Iesus Christus Rex!
Welcome to the Polish website of the Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX). We offer you an insight into the apostolate of FSSPX in Poland. If you want more information concerning the history or the recent state of the Society, please visit our USA website. We also would like to direct you to the official website of the General House as well as the site of news and information DICI
The Society started its apostolate in Poland in 1993. Our priory, located on the outskirts of Warsaw and 40 minutes from the city centre at 32 Garncarska Street, is nestled in the village of Radosc and is easily accesable. A cordial invitation to visit our priory is extended to all who travel through Poland.
At present there are six priests involved in the apostolate: Fr. Anselm Ettelt (a German), Fr. Edward Wesolek (a Pole, ex-Jesuit priest, former national curate for Gypsies); Fr. John Jenkins (an American), Fr. Raivo Kokis (a Latvian) and myself. Holy Masses are celebrated regularly in the Society chapels, which are located in Warsaw, Kraków, Chorzów, Czestochowa, Lublin, Rzeszów, Lodz, Sopot, Torun and Tuchów (detailed schedules can be found here). The chapel of Bajerze (retreat house) is served only occasionally. In the priory there are also two religious brothers, Br. Klaus (a German) and Br. Krzystof (a Pole), as well as two oblate sisters: Sr. Martha (from Ukraine) and Sr. Maximiliana (from Poland).
A dynamic publishing activity is also one of the objectives of our apostolate. We have founded „Te Deum” Publishing House, which already has a few particularly valuable works to its credit. Moreover, we publish a bi-monthly entitled Zawsze wierni ('Ever Faithful'). Its complete articles, as well as some of the books published by „Te Deum” are available on-line. You may also order them in on-line store.
The annual traditional pilgrimage to the famous Polish national Shrine, the Sanctuary of St. Mary at Jasna Gora in Czestochowa, where She reigns as Queen of Poland's Crown, plays an important role in our apostolate. It has become a tradition that every year many foreign pilgrims (e.g. from France, Germany, Switzerland, Belorussia) join our group.
The Rosary Crusade which we introduced is also aimed at defending the Catholic Faith through the intercession of the Immaculata. It already has several hundred participants.
I ask you all to pray to God for our apostolate in Poland. We would be most grateful for any financial support to our apostolate and thank you in advance for your generosity.
May God bless You and Mary protect you!
Fr. Karl Stehlin
Prior of FSSPX in Poland